Master Biology
Here you will find several Master theses. The newest theses are at the top of the list. Furthermore a lot of info and examples can be found in our “Thesis/Stage Guide” (Only in Dutch for now). If you can’t find what you want, you might find it at this site:
If you’re searching for a Ph.D. or internship, then scroll to the end of this page.
Besides, you might want to take a look at the “Alternatieve studiegids“, our very own study guide. Currently only the Dutch version is available, but the English version will be published soon.
Erasmus +
This academic year, extra Erasmus+ grants are available for students who are going on internship or thesis in Europe. The students can apply for this grant before departure (Via this link). Both EU and non-EU students can apply and the available grant varies between €270,- and €390,- euro per month. Students can find more information on our website: Via this link.
MSc reward
Have you finished your thesis? Do you feel like you’ve delivered a great piece of work? If your thesis is related to land and water use you might have a shot at winning a 1000 euros! Submit your thesis before the 29th of February 2020 via the application form! Both the forms and the regulations can be found on this page
Since 1994 the Network Land & Water annually awards a price to the most leading WUR MSc thesis in the field of land and water use. Students from ten different educational programs are eligible to submit (see website). The Folkert Hellinga MSc Award is granted to increase familiarity with education and research, and to improve exchange with practice. The price is composed of 1000 euros, a certificate and a subscription to a magazine of choice (up to a maximum of EURO 100). Each honorable mention will be awarded with a certification. Eventual honourable mentions are awarded with EUR 125.