
Our story

Study association for Biology and Marine Sciences

Year of establishment
Current members


November 2022, we celebrated the Lustrum (5-year anniversary) of B.V.W. 'Biologica'. This means that our study association is now more than thirty-five years old. During these years the association has grown and it currently consists of a thousand members.

The study of biology was set up in Wageningen in 1970 and had therefore already been taught for seventeen years when B.V.W. 'Biologica' was founded. However, there were already activities for biologists, organized by biologists. Some of our committees have a history that goes back longer than our official founding. The Missing Link, for example, already existed under the prehistoric name 'Pruttel'. A committee called the bioborrel committee later evolved into the BAC, Biologists Activities Committee. Finally, there was already a committee that was concerned with introducing first-year biologists to each other: the current BIKcie. It was not until 1987 that these various committees were actually united.

The next big event has only recently occurred, in 2023 the then established Bachelor's program in Marine Sciences became part of Biologics. In order to create a place within Biologica for Marine Sciences to organize their own activities, the sub-association M.S.A. Minoa was formed on June 3, 2023. They organize activities specifically for Marine Sciences related topics and its students. Although biologists are of course also welcome here.

If you want to know more about the history of Biologica, I recommend that you take a look at our old almanacs! A new almanac is published every two years, and it shows that Biologica is still evolving.

Current days

At the moment 'Biologica' consists of about a 1000 members and more than 25 committees, which leads to several activities every week.

What to find on our website?

You can find a lot of information on this website. Each committee has a page on the website and you can meet the members of the board. We also have an Instagram page.

If you are looking for information about the study programme, we also have a study information section, where you can find information about graduation subjects or internships. You can also sign up for a student-for-a-day-event. 

“Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution”

Theodosius Dobzhansky