Programme team
The programme team Marine Sciences is here for all your questions and remarks. We are responsible for the bachelor Marine Sciences and the master Aquaculture and Marine Resource ManagementYou can find us in the Radix building in rooms M0.091/M0.093. You can read below who to contact with your specific question or issue.
You can find more information about the programme on the Brightspace page BMS programme information site.
I have questions about my study programme, progress or personal issues that impact my studies
You can contact your study advisor with these questions. Together you can brainstorm about your study planning and they can offer guidance in developing study skills, making study choices and career orientation. The study advisors also inform you about the study programme and rules & regulations.
Book an appointment via or send your study advisor an e-mail.
Petra den Besten:
Arianne van Ballegooij:
I have remarks or ideas about the study programme
Karen Fortuin, the programme director, is responsible for the content and quality of the study programme. Do you have ideas for improvement, or do you want to address a problem that impacts many students? Contact Karen via
I want to help on open days or other student recruitment events
Iris Keizer arranges the student recruitment for Marine Sciences. You can sign op for the job list here If you sign up, you will receive an e-mail if we need help from students for open days or other events. You can send your ideas or remarks about student recruitment to
I don’t know where to go with my question
Julia van Oord is the education coordinator for Marine Sciences. You can contact her via marinesciences@wur.nlShe will direct you to the right person.